porti evidenziati
Narbonne, porta del mondo celtico (Inglese)
Narbonne, gateway to the Celtic world, has been frequently described by geographers and historians in ancient times......
We know the city of Alexandria in Egypt was built by Alexander the Great, but he did not build the first port city at that location......
In the municipality of Gruissan, the island of Saint Martin is located a few tens of kilometres from Narbonne........
Apollonia, il porto di Atene africana (Inglese)
Herodotus has a tale regarding the founding of Cyrene......
Ariminum (Inglese)
.....And Ariminum has a port and a river of the same name.
CARTHAGO (Inglese)
Carthage was founded in the ninth century BC on the coast of North Africa as a Phoenician colony...........
Colonia Julia ad Turrem Libisonis (Inglese)
.....probably founded by Julius Ceasar around 46 BC, was located in the north-west of Sardinia.
FORUM IULII (Fréjus) (Inglese)
Many quotations have been handed down from antiquity that refer to the ancient name of Fréjus; Forum Iulii ...........
Gades torna in vita (Inglese)
Today's Cadiz is one of the oldest cities in Western Europe that has been continuously inhabited.....
Il collegium, la corporazione romana (Inglese)
Somewhere in the first century AD, when exactly is unknown, these skippers united themselves in a professional association, a collegium..........
Il gomito che governa il mare Adriatico (Inglese)
When you visit Ancona you will notice immediately that Ancona is a harbour city at the Adriatic Sea........
Il museo fantasma di Fiumicino riaprirà (Inglese)
Il museo fantasma di Fiumicino riaprirà, ora è ufficiale......
Il Porto di Pompei (Inglese)
I got immediately the following response: Pompeii itself was a Roman port city too......
Il porto di Volterra (Inglese)
Entering on the region of Volaterra, appropriately called "The Shallows," I thread my way ........
Il porto scomparso di Pisa (inglese)
After a little research it soon becomes apparent that ‘the’ port of Pisa does not exist........
Il primo porto di roma antica (Inglese)
Geoarchaeology confirms the location of the ancient harbour basin of Ostia......
Italica (Inglese)
Italica was the first city to be founded in Spain by the Romans .....
L'ultima tappa di Ostia Romana torna alla vita (Inglese)
What happened to the Roman city-centre in the late antique period? ......
L'ultimo mitreo scavato
Dopo aver a lungo sfamato e dissetato i suoi avventori ....
La porta di Nero ad Antium (Inglese)
According to the Greek historian Xenagoras, Antium was founded by Anthias, son of Odysseus and ....
La sinagoga, vita ebraica in Ostia
La sinagoga ad Ostia Antica si trova piuttosto lontano dall'ingresso del sito
Le Terme Taurine presso Civitavecchia
The archaeological complex of these baths, also known as .....
Leptiminus (Inglese)
At the site of present-day Lamta on Tunisia's east coast, there was already a port city named Leptis Minor ....
Leptis Magna, porta principale per l'Africa
La bella città Leptis Magna, o meglio Lepcis Magna, è una delle attrazioni......
Londinium (Inglese)
In their hunger to bring the rest of the world also under their influence, for enjoying their "civilization, peace and prosperity ' .........
Luna (Inglese)
By moonlight the ships departed from Portus Lunae...........
Massilia, “La Cité Phocéenne" (Inglese)
There are several legends about the origins of Massalia (Roman Marseille) ...........
Patara, culla della civiltà (Inglese)
It was one of the four largest settlements in the Xanthos Valley and the only one in open communication with the sea...........
Pompeiopolis, porto romano in Turchia (Inglese)
The revival of Soli came with the arrival of the Roman general Pompey to Asia Minor in 68 BC......
Portus, il porto di Roma imperiale (Inglese)
The vast site of Portus holds the key to understanding how Rome evolved from a mighty city to an empire......
Sabratha e il Colosseo, sangue e legami di sangue (Inglese)
Around the 8th century BC the Phoenicians established several places along the coast of northern Africa. ......
Sullecthum (Salakta) Inglese
In the Sahel, in the Tunisian province of Madhia, we find by the sea the small town of Salakta....
The city was also called Thapsus Minor to distinguish it from the city of Thapsus in Sicily............
Tarracina, il quarto porto di Traiano (Inglese)
Tarracina was located at a fairly strategic point: namely where the Volsci hills flow into the Tyrrhenian Sea ....
Tarragona (Inglese)
The history of the city of Tarragona is the history of the port. ......
Tiro, luogo di nascita dell'Europa (Inglese)
According to the Greek mythology Europe, daughter of a Phoenician king, was born at Tyre in Lebanon......
Tolemaide, la patria di Ario e la sua polemica cristianità (Inglese)
Ptolemais is located in eastern Libya historically known as Cyrenaica, roughly two hour’s drive from Benghazi......
Un porto ebraico per l'imperatore (Inglese)
On a coastal plain in north-central Israel, between Tel Aviv and Haifa, the famous port city Caesarea Maritima was built between 20 and 10 BC. ........
Un porto riscoperto (Inglese)
Statio 10, according to the mosaic (NAVICULARI MISUENSES HIC), was a representative from Misua..........
Un porto romano sopra il Limes (Inglese)
The region in the north of the Roman Empire was inhabited by a people called Frisii (Frisians) by the Romans. ...........
Una città portuale alla fine del mondo (Inglese)
Then a promontory rises in the sea in the shape of a great horn...........
Uno sguardo all'interno della cucina moderna dell'archeologia (Inglese)
The Ostia Forum Project: part 2
Leptiminus (Inglese)

At the site of present-day Lamta on Tunisia's east coast, there was already a port city named Leptis Minor ....
Leggi tutto...Diritto romano del commercio marittimo (inglese)

Roman law is the finest monument that Rome bequeathed to Western Europe....
Leggi tutto...Sullecthum (Salakta) Inglese

In the Sahel, in the Tunisian province of Madhia, we find by the sea the small town of Salakta....
Leggi tutto...Colonia Julia ad Turrem Libisonis (Inglese)

.....probably founded by Julius Ceasar around 46 BC, was located in the north-west of Sardinia.
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