Portus, near the present airport of Fiumicino (Rome), consisted of two harbours. The first one was built by the emperor Claudius, because the river harbour of Ostia was insufficient for Rome's growing needs. The ships were protected by two curved moles. Between the moles a huge lighthouse was built. Between 100 and 112 AD the emperor Trajan built a second harbour behind the harbour of Claudius, more inland. This harbour was shaped hexagonally.
Contrary to Ostia only small parts of Portus are known. In recent years there has been renewed interest for the complex, leading to geophysical surveys and excavations.
See also:
- In depth: www.ostia-antica.org.
[14-08-2018] "Ship biscuit for sailors", also available in Dutch.
[31-08-2017] "Portus, Rome's imperial port", also available in Dutch.
[22-06-2017] "The phantom museum of Fiumicino will be reopened", also available in Dutch.
[17-03-2016] "A place without fear", also available in Dutch and German.
[11-03-2016] "The hidden harbour", also available in Dutch, Italian, German and French.